Imagination and Dreaming

The more you write, the more it flows. It may be hard at first but it will begin to feel easier the more you practice, and at some point, if you don’t write, even for ten minutes a day; it will feel as if something is missing.

Just like with exercise. Set an appointment with yourself, a routine, take ten minutes a day (or more) to write. If you are in the midst of writing a novel, short story, or article, and you need a break; write about something completely different for ten minutes. Even if you’re not in the mood to write; take ten minutes and write about anything.

If you’re truly short on ideas, go to a library or bookstore and pick out a magazine or book about something you would not normally read. Read it or simply browse through the book and it will surely open a window or thought to something new. If you don’t normally read scientific magazines, have a glance. If you don’t normally look through Home magazines, flip the pages, pretend you’re changing your living room or your kitchen, dream a little. Go to the travel section and pick a book about a country you’ve never visited or have always dreamed of visiting; find out about it; look at the photographs; imagine you’re there.

Try something new; anything off your beaten track and it will rejuvenate your mind.

If after all that you still don’t feel like writing; write that you don’t feel like writing and why. Your pen will still be in your hand and the words will be on the screen or paper or whichever method you find easiest to write.

And, if this still does not appeal to you – lean back, throw your feet up and relax. Enjoy the moment.

Imagine and dream.


This is a photo I took when I visited Cadaqués in Northern Spain in 2008. It is the little Meditterranean seaside town where Salvador Dali lived. After I visited the area, and his museum in Figueres, I was imbued with an energy that I was not able to shake off for a long time. I had been close to a potent creative energy, and even though he is no longer living, it was ever present. He was a different kind of individual with a unique mind, albeit wrought with numerous psychological challenges, but entirely inspiring. I believe there are certain places and persons in the world that offer you that kind of feeling.

It is imperative to change your environment if you want to reignite your source of inspiration or creativity. The mind constantly needs to be fed with new imagery, input, and stimulus to grow.

Try to get away from your screen or pad of paper and discover something completely new once in a while or whenever you need to replenish the source.  You will be amazed at the abundance of material that will come to you when you explore an unknown location or setting.