Mosquito Nightmares


Writing Journal Entry #2

I’m on holiday this week, from Paradise. It actually exists folks! Some of you know the attached photo from my other page, but it actually is what I’m looking at when working away in the mornings on my writing project.

But back to the nightmares for a minute. My better half does not get bitten by mosquitoes (it’s the gin), but I do. So he walks in and out, leaves windows open, lives a normal life. I wish I could. I walk around, paranoid. But, you see, they love me—with a vengeance. And that vengeance takes place at night when I’m unaware. The bitches. So, even though it’s gorgeous and a personal paradise called Home, it’s my own personal nightmare at night.

Now, back to this week’s goal (exercise). It’s called Moving and Trimming. My developmental editor, EJ Runyon (, has gone through my novel, and is helping me to make my bottom heavy, info dump become more spread out throughout the story.

It’s a bit of a nightmare (for me), perhaps it was for her too. But, the exercise is to attack them bit by bit, one by one. Killing each info dump like it’s a mosquito. I’m good at that, and I have no remorse whatsoever. Not one bit.

But I have to remember to keep the balance. I can’t kill all of them and suddenly find out that some of the info was still needed. Just like mosquitoes (really?) But… dragonflies feed on them, and it’s my logo, so… I let some of those bitches get away. BUT my story survives, and that’s the point.

The trick is to move the words first, then trim. Don’t trim first then move because that’s when you might lose that bit that’s really important to move your story forward.

Have a wonderful writing day, folks!
<3 CC

(Image: Photograph by ©CC Sullivan)

#nightmares #vengeance #novel #goal #goals #moving #trimming #developmental editor #info dump #dragonflies #dragonfly #writing #writer #story #novel

Existential Funk


Writing Journal Entry #1

Did I dream last night? Not sure. But I woke up in an existential funk. I hardly ever do. And I wondered, Who will remain five hundred years from now? Leonardo, Michelangelo, Stephen Hawking, Ernest Hemingway, and the list goes on. Yep, that’s the thought that ran through my head as I stretched, yawned, and got ready to pull myself out of bed to go to my desk.

Then, of course it translated into What’s the point of waking up at 5 am in the morning, to write, to paint? Will any of this stuff still remain? Have you guessed that I am in the midst of implementing my developmental edits—on my “learning” book as I now call it? Boy, have I had a long learning curve with this first one.

Yet, I still love my story. I love the characters. Even if no one will read this book, I will get to the end of this learning curve just for the hell of it. Just to say I did. My darling book that I’ve been working on “forever.”

Really, I just want to get to the end of it, so that I can move on.

Carpe Diem.

Just Be. Words to live by.

I’m going to meditate.

(Photo by intographics,

#developmental edits #edits #editing #learn #lessons #lesson #words #word #story #existential funk