Building Your Vocabulary Using Colour

colour of flower

(Thank you for navigating to my author blog from Instagram.)

Learning the Colour of Things

I’m once again talking about another chapter in Sage Cohen’s book “Fierce on the Page” where she discusses learning the name of things, in a chapter called, “Learn the Name of Things.”

A rose is a rose is a rose…

I purposely chose the featured image to be a subtle image of off-white and beige colours to show you how a writer can use very descriptive colour names to describe what they are seeing. For example, a writer could use these names: white, pearl, alabaster, cream, egg shell, chiffon, linen, and rice to describe the image featured.

When you build your palette of colours, you will see the world with different eyes. A leaf will no longer just be “green”, a leaf will be shades of emerald and forest green. You will now notice a dirt road covered with mud of burnt umber, red clay, and desert sand. The sky will change from cornflower blue in the morning to Atlantis blue in late afternoon.

colour of sky

Choose your colour wisely…

The more you layer colour into your descriptions, the more fun you’ll have. Next time you go into a hardware or paint store, grab some of those coloured strips and add some new colours to your vocabulary. Each month, pick a new set to learn. 

I hope you enjoyed this video. If you like what you’re seeing, comment below, navigate to my author site (click on the button) and subscribe to support me, or just keep coming back. I’d love to know what you think or feel.


P.S. Follow my Instagram account at or check out my author website at

To check out Sage Cohen’s book Fierce on the Page, you’ll find it here:

Flower: Image by photosforyou from Pixabay 

Tracks: Image by Martin Winkler from Pixabay 

Having Fun with Vision Boards

Vision Board

A different approach

At the outset of each year I create a vision board.
Vision boards are a wonderful visual and innovative approach to set and manifest your dreams and goals.


I start with a vision board of all the general things I desire, need, wish, or want to keep in my life. I put the major themes in my life on the board like family, health, children, love, work, etc.

Searching for Images

I search for pictures which resonate and reflect the visions I have in mind. I find them on sites like (Magazines are also a great source.)


I love this part of the process: exploring ideas and finding images. It should be fun! If you’re not feeling into it, wait for a better day. I believe that positive energy and emotions while creating your board is essential.


Next, I find a board (poster or cardboard) to use for my vision board. Either I print out the images, sorting through and placing them into various groups, or I go through the ones I’ve downloaded and group them into folders (on my laptop or iPad.)

Wishing and hoping like you’re a kid again!

Now begins the fun part: cutting the images and sticking them down -or- constructing a digital collage (I use Procreate) of the photographs, illustrations, or words to reflect my vision of the year to come. Using colour to certain areas is a great way to highlight them. Writing headings or keywords on your board is an exciting part of the process.

vision board

Here is a portion of my 2020 vision board. I hope it will inspire you to create your own board! These are some of my main goals for this year. Check my website to see what I’m working on now!


I keep my vision board as the background to my iPad, and I also print out a copy to affix to the wall at my desk.


This year, I will go one step further and make mini vision boards every two months to discover where my focus remains as time advances.

Create your own board!

Has anybody else created their vision board for the year?

Comment here if you have, and I’d love to see it, if you wish to share!

Have fun with your dreams and let’s see what you create!

Cheers, CC

Letting it go!

Thank you for surfing here to my blog from my Instagram page.

Have a listen to a few ways to clear your space and mind if you’re ever feeling a little muddled, confused, cooped up, and need to create some space in your mind and physical space.

The two spaces are so intertwined that changing one will naturally extend to the other. Clearing your mind of confusing and muddled thoughts will make you want to clear your physical space, and vice versa, when you clear your physical space, such as your desk or office, or house, you invite in new thoughts, ideas, and creativity.

Try it and see what happens!

CC Sullivan

New Video Reviews

Hi Everyone!

I’m going to start doing new video reviews of current reads, which can also be viewed on my YouTube channel at CCSULLIVAN_WRITER.

This first one I’ve taped is short and sweet because I am getting over a bout of laryngitis. Of course, I couldn’t wait until I was completely better because it’s been going on now two weeks, and I’m getting impatient.

Let me know what you think of this format. Obviously, I’m not a professional at videotaping (yet) but I hope to get better at it as time goes on.

I can only keep trying until I get there!

(Note: The Indie writer loop I’m talking about is on my instagram account @ccsullivan_writer. Usually there is a time limit with these instagram loops. However, I thought if you happened to read this in the next week or so, you can go find it. These loops are usually archived after a week. Have fun if you do! It’s a great way to connect to other Indie writers!)


Enjoy, and let me know what you think in comments!

CC Sullivan


Image by Lisa Fotios,

Why do we resist journaling?

We constantly write reminders for ourselves. Send texts, emails, keep notes, and jot down ideas. But I’ll bet a lot of us own journals that remain blank. Yet we buy them with all the right intentions.⁣

Why do I leave mine empty? I ask myself.

I’ve paid for those journals and they look so attractive. I just don’t want to ruin them. —Now, that’s messed up.⁣

Am I afraid of what will come out if I write about it?

It’s possible. But your journals are for you only, so what are you worried about? (If you are worried about other eyes reading, I’d suggest getting a lock box. Anything else and this becomes an entirely different blog subject.)

So, let’s list the five reasons why journaling is a wonderful ritual for everyone.

# 1 — You’ll create a deeper connection to yourself, your mind, your emotional life.
⁣ .⁣
# 2 — You’ll rediscover your own mind and opinions.
⁣ .⁣
# 3 — You’ll become more aware of recurring ideas or thoughts.
⁣ .⁣
# 4 — You’ll find solutions to unresolved problems or issues.⁣
# 5 — You’ll open up the doorway to creativity and inspiration.

Buy yourself a journal and start journaling.

The journal can be expensive, utilitarian, or one you get at the dollar store.

I had so much trouble writing in those beautifully-designed lined books, I bought a dollar store journal—the kind with that recyclable brown paper. Now, I have no problem with writing all over the pages because I’m not worried about what it looks like. Strange, but it worked for me.
Begin the ritual of journaling. Once a month, then once a week, every other day, and then on a daily basis. Set the timer (on your phone). Write for five minutes at first, then 10 minutes, then 20, and so forth. Don’t stop your pen from moving, and don’t worry about what you’re writing. Just write.

At least try it.

If you begin with journaling first thing in the morning, it allows you to clear your mind for the rest of the day. If you do it at night, it releases the tensions of the day. Try both and see what works best for you. Obviously, if lunchtime or a break is the only time, then that’s when you’ll do your journaling.

Do you write in a journal?

If you do, let me know how it helps you.⁣


PS – I love journals, so I designed and published my own tarot journal called Your Personal Tarot Journal: An Intuitive Journey. People love it and are using it faithfully each day.

Journaling and writing
©CC Sullivan, 2019

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Book Marketing and Promotion 101: The Organic Method

Beginner Steps in Book Marketing and Promotion.

So, here I am, starting from scratch. Again.

I uploaded my novel, Masters of the Elements: Resonancethe first in the Paragon series, at the end of November as an ebook, and then later in December, as a paperback. And began thinking about marketing my book. 

Fast forward. Here I am in February after numerous delays, all completely legit (no excuses here), but I’m only starting now to market my book. 

Only… I am not so savvy in this department. In fact, A real novice. I have been doing some research, and more research, and it has become overwhelming. Find Readers; Get reviews; Build an e-mail list; Sell, sell, sell! And I froze. Mainly because I don’t want to bombard my social media lists with advertisements about my book. Over and over again. It makes me uncomfortable to do that.

The (Writing) Fool

0 – The Fool

Now, some of you may (or may not) know that I am also interested in Tarot and Astrology. I even have a book (Journal) printed called A Personal Tarot Journal: An Intuitive Journey. But I’ll leave that one for another post. In any case, I pulled a card at the beginning of last week, and it was The Fool

Now, one of the most meaningful interpretations for The Fool is to find a mentor, someone who has already done the work to guide you where you feel you might just “leap off that precipice feeling happy, happy, happy, but not knowing what the hell you’re doing.”

Hey Everyone! Here’s my new book!

The first in the Paragon Series

I left a post or comment or two on one of my social media threads. And EJ Runyon, my developmental editor, caught sight of it and left me a message.

— If you need a session on how to learn book marketing and promotion for your novel, let me know and we’ll do a session.

— Really? You do that too?

— Yes!

So, after my numerous distractions and delays, I set up a Skype appointment with EJ Runyon, and let me tell you, she dragged (not literally of course) me back to the starting line and gave me the pointers I needed. I suddenly feel less overwhelmed.

Lagging behind in book marketing and promotion.

Yes, I am lagging behind a little (no, horribly), but I have decided to go with the flow. I know there are certain steps which I missed, such as the proper way to do Pre-order Promotions, the Release Announcement, the Press Release, and the list goes on. But I’m not Stephenie Meyer or M.L. Stedman… yet.

When I am less of a novice and more knowledgeable in Book Marketing and Promotion, I will NOT miss those steps. Mark my word. 

Training and writing.

In the meantime, I’m doing my training using my first book (It’s been my Learning Baby from the get-go.) And I am currently writing the second in the series!

Book Marketing and Promotion — step by step.

Now, I’m ready to start the marketing and promotion of my book. Step by step, following EJ Runyon’s tips and techniques to growing your following with the organic method. Connect with her, she’ll be happy to set up a learning session with you! 

On your mark. Ready. Set. GO!

Living an extraordinary life, 
CC Sullivan

The Sounds of Excavation


Digging, grinding, shovelling, moving earth, grumbling machinery, vibrations. Loud, loud, loudness outside my window.

If I listen to music to drown it out, I will only be doing that. I cannot work with music. So I must continue on with my current list of things to do with the noise outside.

Now, back to my writing:

It’s exciting, gruelling, hair-pulling, exhilarating, mind-numbing, and, yes, I could go on with this list of opposing emotional reactions I’m experiencing as I go through the last stage of my novel merry-go-round.


I am doing the “last” comb through of sentence structure, spelling, word usage, repetitions, sticky sentences, and grammar points. I use ProWritingAid for this process. It helps to point out all the hidden things that have escaped my eye while going through the last round of edits (with my bare naked eye), and the changes suggested by my developmental editor, EJ Runyon.

By this, I mean, I am still in the process… and it’s a process. And I’m sure to still miss some things. Yes, I’m certain of that.

But I honestly can’t wait till it’s done! As much as I love writing and get a high off it. This part really sucks and is every expletive adjective and adverb I can think of. I’m officially done with this.

Now that I’ve got that off my chest, I can go back to it. I’ve taken enough of a break from it the last couple of days.

Where are you in your writing journey?

Living my extraordinary life,
Cece <3

(Excavation by PeterDargatz from

#writer #writer’s-life #writing #editing #pro-writing-aid #grammar

Mosquito Nightmares


Writing Journal Entry #2

I’m on holiday this week, from Paradise. It actually exists folks! Some of you know the attached photo from my other page, but it actually is what I’m looking at when working away in the mornings on my writing project.

But back to the nightmares for a minute. My better half does not get bitten by mosquitoes (it’s the gin), but I do. So he walks in and out, leaves windows open, lives a normal life. I wish I could. I walk around, paranoid. But, you see, they love me—with a vengeance. And that vengeance takes place at night when I’m unaware. The bitches. So, even though it’s gorgeous and a personal paradise called Home, it’s my own personal nightmare at night.

Now, back to this week’s goal (exercise). It’s called Moving and Trimming. My developmental editor, EJ Runyon (, has gone through my novel, and is helping me to make my bottom heavy, info dump become more spread out throughout the story.

It’s a bit of a nightmare (for me), perhaps it was for her too. But, the exercise is to attack them bit by bit, one by one. Killing each info dump like it’s a mosquito. I’m good at that, and I have no remorse whatsoever. Not one bit.

But I have to remember to keep the balance. I can’t kill all of them and suddenly find out that some of the info was still needed. Just like mosquitoes (really?) But… dragonflies feed on them, and it’s my logo, so… I let some of those bitches get away. BUT my story survives, and that’s the point.

The trick is to move the words first, then trim. Don’t trim first then move because that’s when you might lose that bit that’s really important to move your story forward.

Have a wonderful writing day, folks!
<3 CC

(Image: Photograph by ©CC Sullivan)

#nightmares #vengeance #novel #goal #goals #moving #trimming #developmental editor #info dump #dragonflies #dragonfly #writing #writer #story #novel

Existential Funk


Writing Journal Entry #1

Did I dream last night? Not sure. But I woke up in an existential funk. I hardly ever do. And I wondered, Who will remain five hundred years from now? Leonardo, Michelangelo, Stephen Hawking, Ernest Hemingway, and the list goes on. Yep, that’s the thought that ran through my head as I stretched, yawned, and got ready to pull myself out of bed to go to my desk.

Then, of course it translated into What’s the point of waking up at 5 am in the morning, to write, to paint? Will any of this stuff still remain? Have you guessed that I am in the midst of implementing my developmental edits—on my “learning” book as I now call it? Boy, have I had a long learning curve with this first one.

Yet, I still love my story. I love the characters. Even if no one will read this book, I will get to the end of this learning curve just for the hell of it. Just to say I did. My darling book that I’ve been working on “forever.”

Really, I just want to get to the end of it, so that I can move on.

Carpe Diem.

Just Be. Words to live by.

I’m going to meditate.

(Photo by intographics,

#developmental edits #edits #editing #learn #lessons #lesson #words #word #story #existential funk

Develop a Scene, Write a Chapter: Lesson 1 with EJ Runyon


I have been working on the last leg of my first book and going over all the extra words that need to be removed. It’s been quite the exercise. I’m actually loving it because it is teaching me to look at my sentences, how they read, and make it all tighter.

But this post is not about me…

EJ Runyon has been more than kind to “pay it forward” to me with 8 lessons toward the development of my chapters. I have sat down with her for my first lesson, and we went over certain aspects of my chapters to help make my writing and my scenes stronger.

I cannot emphasize how even one lesson with EJ Runyon has helped improve the flow of my paragraphs and words. And, wow, what a difference it made!

Please reach out to EJ Runyon and let her help you with the development of your story. You will not be disappointed with your lessons. Plus, she has the most soothing of voices. I look forward to my remaining lessons with her.

You can find free online lessons at her website Bridge to Story,

Also, Skype with her for coaching or story edits. She’s a wonderful teacher! You will not be disappointed!

Keep on writing,

#book #novel #inspiration #lesson #lessons #chapters #chapter #scene #character #story