A Paradigm Shift to… Putting Yourself First

Tamarindo Beach

There is a really good book called The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron, in which she mentions that one of the important things to do is to set an artist’s date with yourself, at least once a week. It is a book about reigniting the inner artist in yourself. Simply, it means that it is important to take time for yourself, to awaken the side of you that you might put away in front of others, family, loved ones.

I read this somewhere recently: “There are two kinds of people in the world – those who walk into a room and say, ‘There you are!’ – and those who say, ‘Here I am!’ ” – Abigail Van Buren

I had a good chuckle when I read this. This isn’t about that.

Now, Putting Yourself First is important in the “You put the breathing mask on yourself first so that you can help the person next to you” kind of way. Many people live for the sake of others: Doing things that other people think is right for them; and helping others whom they think need help, and so on. Things to do, places to be, people to see… you know the motto.

Essentially the body and mind need time to re-assimilate to its surroundings and that means with little things such as, getting back to nature – we live in such a technological world now that it is hard to tear away from the mobile phone, the laptop, the iPad, or the TV. The body needs to rest to revitalize itself.

The mind also needs time to recuperate from all the external messages that it receives – and frankly, there has never been an age where we are bombarded with constant information on a daily basis. (There are days when I just keep going and going and then suddenly I hit a wall and think “OMG I have just reached my point of OVERLOAD – and I literally have to stop.) So step away from the techno babble and just relax with a book, or take a drive in your car to the country, venture a stroll in the park, or just sit and do nothing but daydream.

It is all about keeping the balance within yourself because if you don’t – your body and your mind will tell you anyway. I always think that when I hear people saying (or myself thinking or feeling) – I’m tired, I’ve had enough, I don’t feel like doing anything – that’s when you know that you have reached that point and need to Put Yourself First.

The body is like a barometer and if you listen to it carefully, it will tell you exactly what it needs.

Have a great restful weekend, respectfully, CC

Coffee in hand and writing…

It’s Saturday morning and I have my coffee in hand and writing.

I recently joined a site called Goodreads.com and am featured as an Author on that site (yeay!) I am really beginning to like that site and I find it exciting to see so many authors, books and readers that are featured.

If you are interested in reading, paper or e-format, that is the site to begin listing the books that you’ve read, or written, and connect with other readers or authors. The site will recommend your next books based on what you like to read.

I have been so busy, and going away, that I need to catch up with my writing. I did some this morning and also had to put time aside to do a bit of marketing. I definitely find the writing part much more enjoyable than the marketing part of it. However, the marketing part of it also gets me in touch with other writers, and sites. Anything to get me away from writing.

So, I’m going to keep this one short and get back to writing my second installment this morning. I may be back later to update my Ten Paradigms of Writing. Today’s will be A Paradigm Shift of… Putting Yourself First.

Don’t you find sometimes that there aren’t enough hours in a day?



A Paradigm Shift in Trust

Reflection by © CC Dailly

One of the most important elements in any relationship is trust.

And, so should it be with the relationship you have with yourself when it comes to writing.

It is a part of yourself that must be earned, nurtured, and rewarded. You must take care of that part of you fervently to keep it, just like any other relationship. You must spend time with it, you must not be mean to it, you must be patient, you must have love for it. And, in the case of writing, I would almost say that you need to have an unconditional love for it.

A reader can sense where you are coming and going from your writing. Are you insecure, scared, or are you confident and sure of yourself? Are you really giving of yourself, or are you pretending? Are you being honest or trite? Are you writing because you truly love it, or are you writing because you think that at the end of the rainbow there’s going to be a big stash? (Well, honestly, who wouldn’t really want that? — because it would mean that you could do it full-time and not be continuously trying to cram it in between the meals, the full-time job, the kids, the dog, the long commute…) But, inherently, at the bottom of your heart, you must love the craft. The simple art of putting down in letters, sentences, and paragraphs, your thoughts and ideas; the ones that you want others to read.

The more you write the more you learn to trust the path that you are on when putting pen to paper. As in real life, there are times when the path detours, detracts, becomes circuitous, but if you remain steadfast, persevering, loving your craft, as well as determined, your words and your stories will keep you on the right path. If you listen to your intuition, to that little inner voice, to the very core that drives you to write, you will be course-corrected when you detour, you will know which path to take if you reach a fork in the road, you will instinctively choose the right one for you.

And the rest of it is all exercise. Trust must be earned and you must remember to reward yourself as well.

A reward can be as simple as buying a new book, taking an afternoon off and relaxing with a cup of tea or coffee, or watching a movie.

You must be true to yourself in order for trust to grow and become the foundation. Your true self knows when you are lying, conniving, cheating yourself or others when you are putting your words down.

Perseverance, determination, intuition, consistency, and honesty in your writing will lead you to trusting in yourself, your writing, and your motivation.

~ CC Dailly